Shenzhen Zhonghenglong Industrial Co., Ltd
2023 Supply Chain Due Diligence ManagementCompliance Report
Company Name: Shenzhen Zhonghenglong Industrial Co., Ltd
CompanyAddress: Rm.5701, Block C, Minzhi Gufen CommercialCenter, Beizhan Community, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen City
Refinery Address: No.9, Yuhu Road, Bihu Avenue,Wulian Village, Fenggang Town, DongguanCity, Guangdong Province
Purchasingoffice: 8/F., Block A, Teli Jewelry Building, ShuibeierRoad, Luohu District, Shenzhen City
Year-endreport: 2023 Supply Chain Due Diligence ManagementCompliance Report
Reportingdate: March4, 2024
Person in Charge: Cao Jian (Deputy GeneralManager of the company)
Tel: 0755-29500999
I. Company Profile
Shenzhen Zhonghenglong Industrial Co.,Ltd. has been a prominent player in the precious metal processing industrysince its establishment in 1997.Its main business includes production,recycling and purification of gold, silver, platinum, palladium and otherprecious metals, as well as marketing of precious metal jewelry and crafts.
Based on advancedtechnology and a well-established management system, Zhonghenglong combines itsstable production process with its philosophy of “Treat Process as Customer”and strictly executes the controllability of each process and quality of eachproduct. With the auxiliary of advanced monitoring systems, the companyoperates a fully enclosed production process to ensure the stable quality ofproducts and satisfaction from customers. For years, the company hassuccessively acquired the certification of ISO14001 and ISO9001 qualitymanagement system.
Meanwhile, in order to address theissues of environmental waste, which containing precious metals in asustainable manner scientifically, Zhonghenglong introduced advanced recoveryand purification equipments and technologies from Europe for industrial waste treatment,strictly follow the national regulations in environmental protection. Thewastewater after treated is then circulated for reuse to achieve the goal ofzero wastewater discharge. All wastewater, waste gas and noise generated havemet discharge standards.
Zhonghenglong is recognized as a leadingenterprise providing standard gold ingots, standard gold bars, and standardsilver ingots for the Shanghai Gold Exchange. Additionally, Zhonghenglong playsimportant roles in major domestic industries associations, such as theexecutive member of China Gold Association, the executive member of the Gemsand Jewelry Trade Association of China, Vice-Chairman of the Guangdong GoldAssociation, and Vice-Chairman of the Shenzhen Gold and Jewelry Association.
II. Condition overview of supplier
Main sources of raw materials of theCompany are recycled gold/silver alloy purchased from society and small partfrom mined gold alloy from domestic mines. All suppliers are from China. Nozero-tolerance and high risk have been identified from suppliers and supplychain.
III. Overview of compliance conditions
第一步 建立强大的公司管理体系
Step 1: Establish strong company managementsystems
Statement of Compliance :
We have fully complied with Step 1:Establish strong management systems.
The Company has officially releasedResponsible Gold/Silver supply chain Due Dilligence policy and ResponsibleSupply Chain Due Diligence Management System which conforms to OECD DueDiligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals fromConflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (Version 3) with extension toenvironmental and sustainable responsibility.
According to policy requirements, the Companyand its suppliers should strictly comply with various national laws andregulations on employee rights, environmental protection, fair dealing with activeparticipation in supply chain due diligence to ensure that the sources of minedgold/silver and recycled gold/silver meet the requirements. In addition,commitments need to be made to reject gold and silver from high-risk areas suchas human rights violations, conflict zones, bribery, money laundering,terrorist financing, illegal mining, World Heritage sites as well as mercurymining.
The Company regularly reviews the policy annuallyand update it as required, publish policies on the company’s official websiteat https://www.zhlsy.com/zygg/info_17_itemid_96.html,The policy has been sent to allgold and silver trading parties and each internal functional department throughmeans of website, discussion, attachment to contract, training and internaldisplay board with relevant communication records retained and archived.
2. Internalmanagement system has been established to support supply chain due diligence
The company has established an internalmanagement system in accordance with the SupplyChain Due Diligence Management System, RiskMitigation Management Measures, and established an organizational structurefor due diligence, clarifying responsibilities and authorities, supply chainevaluation standards, investigation and processing procedures, transactionmonitoring, document retention, training, and internal review and managementreview system to ensure the comprehensive implementation of supply chain duediligence work
The due diligence organizational structureconsists of a compliance director, a compliance risk officer, and compliancespecialists from various departments. The compliance and risk control officerassists the director in fully responsible for supply chain due diligenceaffairs, improving the supply chain due diligence management system,supervising the investigation process, and coordinating the handling ofabnormal situations during the investigation. According to the LBMA ResponsibleGold/Silver Guidelines document, provide training to relevant employees. TheCompliance Director is responsible for formulating the annual training plan. In2023, the Compliance Department organized personnel from various relevantdepartments to conduct 6 training sessions on supply chain due diligencemanagement, EITI principles and standards for mining industry transparency,anti money laundering, counter-terrorism financing, and anti-forced labor,enabling relevant personnel to understand their responsibilities inimplementing due diligence policies and fully ensuring their knowledge reservesand abilities
The compliance specialist is appointed bythe delivery department, business department, finance department, shipping andreceiving department, purification quality inspection center, and personneldepartment, responsible for strictly implementing supply chain due diligencemeasures, zero tolerance and high-risk supply chain evaluation standards, andcollecting and preserving sufficient supply chain certification documents. Thebusiness department is responsible for promoting the Supply Chain Due DiligencePolicy to suppliers, and attaching relevant materials such as commitmentletters and KYS to the contract. They confirm in writing with suppliers thatthey comply with the company's relevant regulations, and are responsible forconducting due diligence on suppliers that extends to environmental andsustainability responsibilities. They complete supplier risk assessments andregular repeat evaluations, and submit them to the compliance risk officer anddirector for approval. The compliance specialist from shipping and receivingdepartment and purification quality inspection center are responsible forrecording the weight of transactions, labeling and storing materials, andpreserving laboratory results. The finance department is responsible formanaging current accounts, ensuring that transactions are conducted throughcompliant channels and prohibiting cash transactions.
The Human Resources Department has issued apolicy statement on the prohibition of forced labor and made public appealchannels for stakeholders to report appeals related to forced labor, and hasmade it public on the company's official website:https://www.zhlsy.com/zygg/list_17.html . The company has signed laborcontracts with each employee, and the company's trade union committeerepresents employees to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests andcoordinate labor management relations. In 2023, the human resources supervisororganized an internal review and due diligence on suppliers, and there were noinstances of forced labor.
Externally, the company has formulated astatement on complying with the policy of prohibiting forced labor, whichrequires all suppliers to sign to ensure that the raw materials we purchase donot involve any forced labor.
公司获得了 ISO14001 的证书,并制定了环境管理手册和计划来管理公司生产和运营中的环境风险,特别是对空,水和土地污染的管理。公司获得了当地环保局发放的《环境影响报告的批复》。公司建立了危险化学品的管理流程来对化学品的存储、操作和处理进行管理。公司的运营和采购不涉及任何的破换世界遗产保护、影响土著人民等。
The company has obtained the ISO 14001certificate and has developed an environmental management manual and plan tomanage environmental risks in production and operation, especially in themanagement of air, water, and land pollution. The company has obtained theapproval of the Environmental Impact Report issued by the local environmentalprotection bureau. The company has established a management process forhazardous chemicals to manage their storage, operation, and handling. Theoperation and procurement of the company do not involve any damage to WorldHeritage protection, impact on indigenous peoples, etc.
In addition, the company has established anaccountability mechanism for compliance personnel, requiring relevantspecialists to regularly report supply chain due diligence to seniormanagement. Through supervision and inspection, the effective implementation ofsupply chain due diligence work has been ensured to avoid high-risk supply chaintransactions.
The company has conducted annual managementreview on December 27, 2023, organized by the compliance and risk controlofficer, and reported the results of the management review to the compliancedirector
3. Strongsupply chain traceability system has been established
3.1 Supply chain traceability system
In the course of business development, bycollecting due diligence questionnaires (KYS) and reviewing supplierqualifications, business licenses, identity verification materials, businessoperations, shareholder information, and material sources, the supplier'scredit investigation is passed, and a contract and commitment letter aresigned, promising that the raw materials are legal and comply with LBMA'sresponsible gold/silver sourcing policy; Each batch of incoming materials sentby the supplier has an incoming material acceptance form, indicating theproduct type, weight before and after melting, etc., which is signed andconfirmed by the acceptance personnel and the supplier; Smelting, sampling andtesting, finally forming standard gold and silver ingots, assigning numbers,and trading through the Shanghai Gold Exchange
The company monitors all transactions toensure consistency with supply chain investigations. Use an online managementsystem and electronic ledger to record incoming gold and silver materials,ensuring their traceability. For all raw materials entering the warehouse,complete documentation should be retained. For gold/silver materials enteringthe warehouse, there should be storage receipts, inspection reports, financialvouchers, etc. Clearly define the information that each department shouldcollect and store in their daily work. The business department, testing center,and finance department should store the relevant documents and regularly sendthem to the archive room for archiving, with a retention period of more than 5years.
3.2 Payment and receipt through officialbanking channels
All business transactions of the companyare received and paid through official banking channels, without any cashtransactions. All fund matters are initiated by the business department througha joint signing procedure, and payment is made online through the bank wherethe company's basic account is located. The bank receipt is printed as avoucher attachment and kept. The financial compliance specialist is responsiblefor transaction monitoring, checking the background of transactions that do notmatch or are suspected to be inconsistent in any form, and reporting to thecompliance director. No discrepancies or any form of discrepancies were foundin 2023
4.Strengthen cooperation and assist gold/silver supply trading parties inestablishing due diligence capabilities
公司将黄金、白银供应链的政策与要求、电子培训教材等通过电子邮件、短信、社交软体等方式传达给供应商。2023年对供应商进行了线上培训和经验分享,以确保他们了解供应链政策要求你,协助供应商更大程度地建立尽职调查能力, 遵守《经济合作与发展组织关于来自受冲突影响和高风险区域矿石的负责任供应链尽职调查指南》并扩展至环境和可持续性责任。
The company communicates the policies andrequirements of the gold and silver supply chain, as well as electronictraining materials to suppliers through email, SMS, social media, and othermeans. In 2023, online training and experience sharing were conducted forsuppliers to ensure they understand the requirements of supply chain policies,assist them in building due diligence capabilities to a greater extent, complywith the OECD Guidelines for Responsible Supply Chain Due Diligence of Minesfrom Conflict Affected and High Risk Regions, and extend to environmental andsustainability responsibilities.
公司2023年度签约的所有供应商均签署了相关《承诺书》,承诺黄金、白银来源合法合规,拒绝零容忍和高风险, 严格遵守合同和法律的规定,EITI相关原则以及反洗钱反恐怖融资、反强制劳动等。
All suppliers of the company in 2023 havesigned relevant commitment letters, promising that the sources of gold andsilver are legal and compliant, rejecting zero tolerance and high risk,strictly complying with the provisions of contracts and laws, EITI principles,anti-money laundering, anti-terrorism financing, and anti-forced labor.
The Compliance Director convenes quarterlyspecial meetings with the participation of compliance specialists from variousdepartments to provide internal briefings on supply chain related informationfor the current quarter. The communication matters include the daily duediligence management work content and the due diligence work documents of theraw material procurement department for current cooperative suppliers. Forsuppliers whose due diligence work is not fully carried out, secondary duediligence will be carried out. If necessary, personnel will be dispatched toprovide supplier guidance to improve the due diligence ability of suppliers fortheir upstream and downstream.
5.Establish a communication and appeal mechanism to promote the participation ofrelevant parties and employees
The company has announced its appealchannels on its official website platform, allowing employees and externalstakeholders to express concerns about the supply chain or any new identifiedrisks. The company has established a sound appeal mechanism and strictlyimplements it, protecting employee privacy throughout the entire appealprocess, keeping confidential the information of whistleblowers, and preventingany retaliatory actions
The appeal channel is publicly available onthe official website: https://www.zhlsy.com/zygg/info_17_itemid_94.html
As of the end of 2023, the appeal team hasnot received any risk appeal information from internal employees or suppliers
第二步 供应链风险的识别与评估
Step 2: Identify and assess risk in thesupply chain
Statement of Compliance:
We have fully complied with Step 2:Identify and assess risk in the supply chain.
1. A procedure has been established to identify supplychain risks
According to the OECD Guidelines forResponsible Supply Chain Due Diligence of Minerals from Conflict Affected andHigh Risk Regions, for gold/silver smelting companies should identify relevantrisks, including closely monitoring gold and silver from areas such as humanrights violations, armed conflicts, illegal mining, exploitation of mercury,and from World Heritage sites, as well as gold/silver used for bribery, moneylaundering, terrorist financing, and other activities. The company establishessupplier records for each supplier, conducts investigations based on riskconditions, and completes the establishment of supplier records before signingcontracts with them.
The company has established a process andcriteria for defining conflict affected and high-risk areas (CAHRA), and hasestablished procedures for handling identified risks, fully identifying,evaluating, and mitigating risks in the supply chain. In 2023, the companymainly purchased local gold and silver recycled materials from domesticsuppliers. According to the identification procedures for conflict affected andhigh-risk areas, zero tolerance and high risk were not identified
2. Assess supply chain risks
2.1 Supply Chain Investigation
The company conducted due diligence on thesupply chain through the following measures and completed the due diligencequestionnaire:
(1) 资质验证。要求合作方提供相应的资质证明文件,营业执照,身份证明文件,矿山供应商还需要提供采矿许可证、环评认证以及关注矿工佩戴劳保、健康安全交易、职业病体检等。
(1) Qualification verification. Require partners to providecorresponding qualification certificates, business licenses, and identitydocuments. Mining suppliers also need to provide mining permits, environmentalimpact assessments, and pay attention to miners wearing labor protection,health and safety transactions, occupational disease examinations, etc.
(2) Establish supplier files. Conduct a detailed investigation onthe basic information of suppliers, shareholder information, types and originsof raw materials provided, types of planned refined precious metals, andsettlement methods, and extend the supply chain investigation to the upstreamof suppliers as much as possible to ultimately determine their risk level.
(3) Establish an incoming materialregistration book. Conduct an investigation and registration of the date,weight, source of raw materials, and major upstream suppliers of the supplier'scurrent batch of incoming materials to determine their risk level.
(4) Establish a workflow for annualsupplier research reports. Conduct a special due diligence on the top threegold and silver incoming materials for the whole year, excluding banks, to forman annual supplier investigation report, which includes: supplier overview,qualification information, incoming material types and proportion, upstreamsupplier overview and list, raw material origin and variety, whether there isforeign gold and silver, etc
(5) Conduct due diligence on the flow ofthe product. For the sales of gold and silver, conduct due diligence on thewhereabouts of products for customers who purchase gold weighing more than 30kilograms at once or accumulated more than 100 kilograms, and for customers whopurchase silver weighing more than 2000 kilograms at once or accumulated morethan 5000 kilograms.
2.2 CAHRA的判定。公司制定了CHARA的定义流程。公司采用以下资源和标准判定CAHRA:
2.2 Judgment of CAHRA. The Companydeveloped definition processes for CHARA. The following resources and criteriaare applied to determine CAHRA by the Company:
(1) 脆弱国家指数(2022) Fragile States Index(2022)
(1) Fragile States Index (2022)
(2) 全球冲突晴雨表(2021版)
(2) Global Conflict Barometer (2021)
(3) 联合国人类发展指数(UN Human DevelopmentIndicator)
(3) UN Human Development Indicator
(4) 多德-弗兰克法案第 1502条列“指明国家)
(4) “Designated Countries” listed in theSection 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Act
(5) 欧盟根据 2017/821条例提供的CAHRA清单
(5) CAHRA List provided by the EuropeanUnion under Regulation 2017/821
(6) 联合国人权事务高级专员办事处或同等机构
(6) The Office of the High Commissioner forHuman Rights (UN Human Rights) or equivalent institutions
(7) 金融行动特别工作组 (FATF) 的报告(包括相关国家/地区报告)
(7) Financial Action Task Force (FATF)Reports (including reports about relevant countries/regions)
(8) 关于高风险黄金中心/转运中心和高洗钱风险国家/地区的可靠市场情报
(8) Reliable market intelligence onhigh-risk gold centers/transit centers and countries/regions with high risks ofmoney laundering
2.3 零容忍和高风险供应链
2.3 Zero tolerance and high-risk supplychains
Based on the relevant regulations of LBMA& OECD and combined with the actual situation of the Company, the followingcriteria for judging zero-tolerance and high-risk supply chains are speciallystipulated:
Zero-tolerance risks:
(1) Minedgold/silver comes from areas designated as World Heritage Sites.
(2) Purchasingmined gold/silver and recycled gold/silver in a manner that violatesinternational sanctions (including but not inclusive of sanctions imposed bythe United Nations, the European Union, the United Kingdom, and the UnitedStates).
(3)矿山金/银、再生金/银的供应对手方、其他已知的上游公司或其 UBO 是已知的洗钱者、欺诈者或恐怖分子,或曾严重侵犯人权,或直接或间接支持非法非国家武装组织。
(3)Suppliers of mine gold/silver, recycled gold/silver, other known upstreamcompanies or their UBOs are known as money launderers, fraudsters orterrorists, or have seriously violated human rights, or directly or indirectlysupported illegal non-state armed groups.
Ø 高风险的位置
Ø High-risk locations
(1)黄金/白银来自受冲突影响和高风险地区 (CAHRA) 或曾在该等地区过境或通过该等地区运输。
(1) Gold/silvercomes from conflict affected and high-risk areas (CAHRA) or has been transitedor transported through such areas.
(2)黄金/白银据称来自已知或合理怀疑来自 CAHRA 的黄金/白银过境的国家/地。
(2) Gold/silver is said to have originated fromcountries/regions where it is known or reasonably suspected that gold/silverfrom CAHRA has passed through.
(3) Gold/silver is said to come from countries/regions withknown reserves, potential resources, or limited expected production.
Ø 高风险供应商/交易方或其他已知上游公司:
Ø High risk suppliers/parties or other known upstream companies:
(1) Operating in countries/regions with high moneylaundering risk
(2) Shareholders or ultimate beneficiaries or other goldand silver supply equity that meet location-based high-risk criteria
(3) As the ultimate beneficiary of being a political figure
(4) Engaging in high-risk commercial activities (such asarms, gambling and entertainment, antiques and art, sects and their leaders)
(5) 已知在过去12 个月曾从高风险国家/地区采购黄金/白银
(5) Known to have purchased gold/silver from high-riskcountries/regions in the past 12 months
(6) There are important and unexplainable transportationroutes between suppliers or competitors in the supply chain
(7) 提供的文件有重大差异/不一致,或拒绝提供所要求的文件。
(7) Significant differences/inconsistencies in the provideddocuments, or refusal to provide the requested documents
Ø 高风险物料:
Ø High-risk materials :
(1)Purchasedfrom ASM
(2 )Producedwith mercury
(3)造成灾难性伤害或高度不利的ESG 因素(在公司尽可能能够识别的范围内)
(3) Catastrophicinjury or highly adverse ESG factors (to the extent that the Company is able toidentify them)
(1)Transactioncounterparties from intermediate refineries or traders with high-risk supplychains or purchases from intermediate refineries with high-risk supply chains
(2)Unableto prove that to be recycled gold/silver
2.4 ESG因素
2.4 ESG factors
(1) Comply with environmental, health,safety, and labor regulations/policies in the country/region where the businessis located
(2) Environmental management, including
a. 空气、水、土地污染及事件管理计划;
a. Air, water, land pollution and event management plan
b. Waterresource management, especially in areas with water scarcity
c. Unauthorized procurement from world heritage sites and protectedareas
(3) Storage, treatment, and disposal of hazardous chemicals(including mercury and cyanide)
(4) Labor management, including salary,working hours, collective bargaining, discrimination, diversity, disputes, andworker rights protection
(5) Community Participation and ManagementPlan (Land Acquisition and Community Resettlement, Cultural Heritage andIndigenous Peoples, Closure Planning and Protection of Vulnerable Groups)
(6) Manage business integrity and ethicalbehavior, and support the implementation of relevant initiatives (such as theExtractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI)
2.5 关于强化尽职调查的说明
2.5 Explanation on enhanced Due Diligence
The company conducts due diligence onupstream raw material suppliers through KYS, mainly including supplier basicinformation, business activities, supplier’s shareholder and beneficiaryinformation, material sources, establishment and implementation of responsibleprocurement, ESG basic information, relevant regulations on anti-moneylaundering, anti-bribery, and counter-terrorism financing, as well as forcedlabor and material transportation. Based on the established Risk AssessmentForm, CAHRAs and risk identification were conducted on the trading parties.Once any high-risk issues in the supply chain are identified, enhanced duediligence will be conducted on high-risk suppliers through online and on-sitevisits.
2023年度,业务部门按《供应链尽职调查管理办法》进行合规调查,合规总监负责审查尽职调查的真实性、有效性和完整性。2023年所有物料均来自于中国,且中国未被识别为CAHRAs, 也未识别出供应商和其供应链中有零容忍风险,高风险以及强迫劳工的风险,所以未触发强化尽职调查。
In 2023, the business department conductedcompliance investigations in accordance with the Supply Chain Due Diligence Management Measures, and the ComplianceDirector was responsible for reviewing the authenticity, effectiveness, andcompleteness of the due diligence. In 2023, all materials were sourced fromChina, and China was not identified as CAHRAs, nor was there any zero tolerancerisk, high risk, or forced labor risk in suppliers and their supply chainsidentified, so enhanced due diligence was not triggered.
第三步 设计并实施策略来应对已识别的风险
Step 3: Design and implement a managementstrategy to respond to identified risks
Statement of Compliance:
We have fully complied with Step 3: Designand implement a management system to respond to identified risks.
1. Develop risk management strategies
The company has formulated the Supply Chain Risk Mitigation ManagementMeasures, which stipulate the handling methods for violations discoveredduring supplier evaluation and daily business operations; Standardized thehandling steps for discovering high-risk behaviors from suppliers; Clearresponsibilities for due diligence management of organizations and personnel atall levels, as well as reporting implementation progress to senior management
If zero tolerance risks are identified inthe supply chain, business relationships must not be established or existingbusiness relationships must be terminated immediately
When the following issues are identified,the company should immediately stop cooperation with the trading counterparty
1. 洗钱
1. Money laundering
2. 恐怖主义融资
2. Terroristfinancing
3. 严重侵犯人权
3. Seriousviolations of human rights
4. 直接或间接支持非国家武装组织
4. Director indirect support for non-state armed groups.
5. 谎报矿物产地
5. Misrepresentationof mineral origin
6. CatastrophicESG effects
Take the following measures for suppliersassessed as high-risk
(1) Not establishing a businessrelationship with this supplier
(2)Suspend cooperation with suppliers who have already established businessrelationships. If the supplier provides rebuttal evidence and response within 6months and meets the company's risk assessment requirements again, re-establishthe cooperation relationship
(3)Suspend business with established suppliers. If the supplier fails to meet thecompany's risk assessment requirements within 6 months, the cooperation will beterminated.
For any identified risks, the company willcommunicate with trading parties and stakeholders and develop correspondingrisk mitigation plans. After the implementation of the risk mitigation plan,relevant risk control specialists record the process of suppliers providingmaterial evidence and feedback, verify and review the materials submitted by suppliers,and ensure the effectiveness of risk mitigation progress and implementation
The company strictly adheres to the LBMAResponsible Gold/Silver Guidelines, design and implement strategies to addressidentified risks. No zero tolerance and high-risk supply chains were found in2023, and no risk mitigation measures are needed.
2. Riskassessment report system has been established
The company has established risk assessmentreport system, and the compliance officer reports the department's duediligence work to the compliance director every year. The risk identificationand assessment results for the year 2023 have been reported to the ComplianceDirector and corresponding communication records have been retained.
第四步 独立第三方审计
Step 4 Arrange for an independent third-party auditof the supply chain due diligence.
Statement of Compliance :
We have fully complied with Step 4: Arrangefor an independent third-party audit.
The Company has strictly complied with therequirements of Step 4 of the LBMA Responsible Gold and Silver Guidance“conduct an independent third-party audit of the refiner’s due diligencepractice” and have appointed RCS Global to audit the supply chain due diligencesystem of the Company since 2020.
第五步 供应链尽职调查年度报告
Step 5 Annual report on supply chain duediligence
Statement of Compliance:
We have fully complied with Step 5: Reporton supply chain due diligence.
The company strictly comply with therequirements of the annual compliance report for supply chain due diligence,prepare the 2023 supply chain due diligence compliance report on time, andpublish it on the company's official website at https://www.zhlsy.com/zygg/list_17.html
Need to learn more or have any feedback onthis report, please contact us by call at 0755-29500999 or e-mail at auken@qq.com
IV. Management conclusion
In conclusion, in the financial year endedDecember 31, 2023, Shenzhen Zhonghenglong Industrial Co., Ltd. has implementedeffective management systems, procedures, processes and practices in accordancewith the LBMA Responsible Gold and SilverGuidance, improved the supply chain management system, fully identified andevaluated supplier risks and with extension to the impact of environment andsustainable development, have conducted independent third-party audits onsupply chain due diligence. The company will continue to improve and perfectits management system, strengthen internal monitoring and management, andenhance risk prevention.